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Personal Project Topic:

Creative Expression in Teenagers

Negative Emotions


Hello! Welcome to my blog! â™¡

My goal for my personal project's topic is to create a website blog to guide teenagers

about the steps in order to release our negative emotions through art therapy (sketch).

I decided to choose 'sketch' as the guide for the art therapy because it is based on my interests,

and researchers says that if we release our feelings/emotions through art-related,

it allows us to express it freely.

Here you will find the 5 Common Types of Negative Emotions teenagers are dealing nowadays,

and get to know each of the emotions, as well as the sketches I've drawn as the support for my blog, and most importantly, you will find out how to release your negative emotions through a sketch with the steps I've identified and created it!

I hope as what I've made (blog & sketch) could help all of you to express yourself in a positive way,

by releasing all your negativity through a sketch!

Doesn't matter whether you could draw bad or good, because in fact,

art is one of the way to tell something, either it's our emotions or our personal stories.



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