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The world's tough, it makes me melancholic.

Waking up with a feeling of emptiness, along with a feeling of sadness that carries throughout the day, and an emotion entering our mind to take control of our body, Melancholy it is.

We have mostly felt melancholic haven't we? feeling sad for an unexplainable reason.

Melancholy has this feeling called 'Negative Connotation'. And what exactly is that? It's a bad feeling/emotion that a person gets or hears from a phrase (What are negative connotations?: Socratic 2016).

However, melancholy isn't always bad to feel it, Why?

Because being able to feel this type of feeling makes us alive, it tells us that we exist. 

Which makes melancholy being the emotion to balance all the life-emotions (Lowery, 2012), which makes it a good thing.

And no one can be happy all the time, which makes melancholy be a part of the necessary feelings in life.

It helps us to deal with reality and face hard-times, that way we could understand the different aspects of life.

Melancholy: Text
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